Oxytocin is different from the DHA in two of nine amino acids. The stimulation of milk ejection (milk disappointment): The milk is first mentioned in small bags in the alveoli of mammary glands, which are ejected for consumption or harvesting must be separated. Mammary alveoli are surrounded by smooth muscle cells (myoepithelial) cells are an important target cell for oxytocin. Oxytocin stimulates contraction of myoepithelial cells, which in the milk ducts and tanks are ejected. Oxytocin is released during labor when the fetus stimulates the cervix and vagina and promotes smooth muscle contraction of the uterus at birth or the birth easier. During birth, there is an increase in concentration of oxytocin in the cerebrospinal fluid, and oxytocin, the brain plays an important role in establishing maternal behavior.
Evidence for the role of oxytocin in both types of experiments. Before infusion of oxytocin into the ventricles of the brain of rats virgin sheep or non-pregnant maternal behavior quickly. Second, the administration in the prevention of mouse brain antibodies that neutralize oxytocin or oxytocin antagonists mother accept their pets.
Control of oxytocin secretion
The main impetus for the release of hypothalamic oxytocin is triggered by physical stimulation of the nipples or teats. If you want anything other than negligible quantities of milk from animals such as cattle, it is necessary to stimulate the release of oxytocin, as about 80% of milk is available only after the expulsion and deportation of milk requires oxytocin. A number of factors may hinder the release of oxytocin, including acute stress. Both oxytocin modulates the production of and response to oxytocin blood levels of sex hormones.
Actions of oxytocin in the brain
Oxytocin is can not by the pituitary gland in the brain because the blood-brain barrier. In contrast, the effects on the behavior of oxytocin release was thinking of central neurons projecting oxytocin than those who reflect on the pituitary gland project.
• Sexual arousal. Oxytocin injected into the cerebrospinal fluid causes spontaneous erections in rats with the actions of the spinal cord and the hypothalamus.
• Collage. In the prairie vole, oxytocin is released into the brain of the female during sexual activity is important for the formation of a monogamous pair bond with their sex partners. Vasopressin seems to have a similar effect in men. In humans, plasma levels of oxytocin are reported to be higher in people who claim to be in love. Oxytocin plays a role in social behavior in many species, and it seems likely that a similar role in humans.
• Autism. Study showed a decrease in autism spectrum repetitive behaviors when oxytocin was administered intravenously. 2007 study reported that oxytocin helped autistic adults retain the ability, the emotional importance of the intonation of the language assessed.
• Maternal behavior. Female sheep and rats, the oxytocin antagonists after giving birth shows no typical maternal behavior. In contrast, virgin females have a maternal behavior towards foreign sheep lambs in csf oxytocin, which could not do otherwise.
• Increase confidence and reduce anxiety. Administered in a game of investment risk as subjects nasal oxytocin displayed "the highest degree of trust" twice as often as the control group. Subjects were told they were interacting with a computer showed no reaction, leading to the conclusion that oxytocin is not only affect the risk of administration of oxytocin aversion.nasally also been reported to reduce fear, possibly inhibiting amygdala (which is probably responsible for fear responses). There is no conclusive evidence for access of oxytocin in the brain via the intranasal administration, however.
• Affect generosity by increasing empathy during perspective taking. In a neuroeconomics experiment, intranasal oxytocin increased generosity in the ultimatum game, 80%, but has no influence on the dictator game than measures of altruism. The prospect of development is not in the dictator game requires, but researchers in this perspective, has explicitly stated in the experimental ultimatum game participants failed to identify their role would be led
• According to some studies in animals, oxytocin inhibits the development of tolerance to various addictive drugs (opiates, cocaine, alcohol) and reduces withdrawal symptoms.
• Preparation of fetal neurons for delivery. Crossing the placenta, maternal oxytocin reaches the fetal brain and leads to a switch in the effect of the inhibitory neurotransmitter gaba from excitatory neurons to the fetus. The silence of the fetal brain during labor and reduces the vulnerability to hypoxic damage.
• Some modes of learning and memory by centrally administered oxytocin damaged. In addition, the systemic administration of oxytocin influence on the recovery of memory in the tasks of the unpleasant memories.
• Mdma (ecstasy) may increase feelings of love, empathy and connection with others by stimulating oxytocin activity by activation of serotonin 5-ht1a receptors, if initial studies in animals apply to the people.