When a nail of the foot is not growing straight, but bends penetrating into the skin at the sides of the finger, is called an ingrown fingernail. This happens most frequently nell'alluce. It 's more common in children with thick fingers and fleshy, and is favored by too tight shoes or from an improperly cut nails. The ingrown nail heals without removing a simple and ingenious method for treating ingrown nails and 'was devised and applied successfully by a surgeon at Tarquinia. In the treatment and traditional healing usually 'obtained by removing the nail, which never grows or grows unevenly and often with the same tendency to "incarnate". With the new method instead, without removing the nail, you get the ultimate healing. Disorder. The ingrown nail occurs always at the corners of the big toe and it 'due to an exaggerated curvature of the nail plate, which tends to widen in the fleshy margin. Two circumstances are at risk: the narrow pointed shoes and a wrong cut the nail. Care. The first part of the new project, under local anesthesia, involves removing only the soft tissue inflammation and a small part of the nail that is cutting edge. The angle of the nail grows back in a typical month and a half .
Wraps hot and humid: Dip your finger in warm boiled water, disinfectant chloramine-based and not very liquid soap for 20 minutes, 2 times a day, massaging gently out the swollen part of the skin near the nail.
Cut the corner of the nail: the pain is always caused by the friction angle of the nail against irritated skin, so only in this case, cut off the corner of the nail, so as to put an end to irritation .
Shoes: do as much as possible the child walk barefoot or wearing open sandals to avoid painful pressure on the nail, if the child must necessarily wear closed shoes, protect the nail of the big patch with cotton stuck with a between toe and finger close (if it affected the internal angle) or between big toe and side of the shoe (if the outer corner to be fired).
Call your doctor if:
• There is fever
• Propagate from the inflamed area of the red streaks
• You see a collection or a discharge of pus
• The problem occurs frequently
• The situation does not improve within 1 week
Avoid too tight or pointy shoes
Cut your toenails is not rounded, (leaving the corners), and not too short
After the bath when the nails are softer, gently fold the corners up with a lime
Wraps hot and humid: Dip your finger in warm boiled water, disinfectant chloramine-based and not very liquid soap for 20 minutes, 2 times a day, massaging gently out the swollen part of the skin near the nail.
Cut the corner of the nail: the pain is always caused by the friction angle of the nail against irritated skin, so only in this case, cut off the corner of the nail, so as to put an end to irritation .
Shoes: do as much as possible the child walk barefoot or wearing open sandals to avoid painful pressure on the nail, if the child must necessarily wear closed shoes, protect the nail of the big patch with cotton stuck with a between toe and finger close (if it affected the internal angle) or between big toe and side of the shoe (if the outer corner to be fired).
Call your doctor if:
• There is fever
• Propagate from the inflamed area of the red streaks
• You see a collection or a discharge of pus
• The problem occurs frequently
• The situation does not improve within 1 week
Avoid too tight or pointy shoes
Cut your toenails is not rounded, (leaving the corners), and not too short
After the bath when the nails are softer, gently fold the corners up with a lime