Neroli essential oil is extracted from the flowers of bitter orange, and his name apparently derives from the Princess of Neroli, a town in Lazio, who lived in the seventeenth century, who made a great use.
In any case, the essential therapeutic properties of this oil were already known since ancient times. Above all stands the ability of the essential oil of neroli to act on the psychic sphere and nervous system. Its aroma is quite pungent, but if properly diluted, can be of great help in every state of nervousness, anxiety, palpitations, insomnia.
Anti Depressant: If you cannot escape from depression even in parties and discotheques, you can try this essential oil. Neroli Essential Oil drives away depression, invokes a feeling of joy and happiness and uplifts mood. That is why this oil is extensively used in Aromatherapy. The other benefits :
• Aphrodisiac
• Anti Septic
• Bactericidal Cordia
• Carminative
• CicatrisantCytophylactic
• Digestive
• Emollient
• Sedative
• Tonic
Agitation and nervousness in children:
Oral ingestion: Dilute 1 drop neroli oil in a glass of warm milk or a teaspoon of honey. Mature skin, wrinkles Macerata: Place to soak for about 8-10 days 50 g of peel of quince in 250 ml of alcohol at 45 °. Add to macerate 2 drops of neroli oil, 10 lavender, hops 2, 5 lemon and orange 5. Shake the mixture and use it daily after cleaning the face. Scars: Ointment: Mix 25 ml of calendula oil 4 drops of essence of neroli, frankincense and myrrh or 4 of 4 lavender. Use the mixture several times. Anxiety, nervousness, stress, depression, insomnia: oral intake: Take 2 drops of neroli oil, 2-3 times a day. Massage: Mix 50 ml of vegetable oil 5 drops of neroli oil, lemon balm 4, 5, sandalwood, ylang-ylang and 3 of 3 lavender. Use the mixture to practice massage. Warm aromatic baths: Mix a water-soluble base (honey) 4 drops of neroli oil, 3 and 4 of lavender lemon balm. Pour in the water for the bathroom, to be practiced preferably in the evening, before bedtime, or as necessary. Inhalation Dry: Place 2 drops on a handkerchief and sniff repeatedly neroli oil. If desired, add 2 drops of essence of clary sage. Paid directly to help you sleep on your pillow 1-2 drops of essence of neroli and clary sage or lemon balm 2