Feb 19, 2011


Neroli oil, derived from the flower of the orange is associated with purity, perhaps because of the symbolism that comes from the white flowers of the plant. Of the three oils derived from the tree of orange, one extracted from the flower is the most directly associated with the spiritual life. Neroli is associated with the Eighth Chakra, and makes any commitment. Some say it reinforces the creativity, especially in respect of music and literature.

The reputation of an aphrodisiac that Neroli oil is not contradictory as it may seem at first sight. The old custom to enclose the head of the bride with a wreath of orange flowers had the dual purpose of symbolizing virginity and can ease the worry of a young wife against her wedding night. 

Neroli oil has antispasmodic properties that are evident especially in the case of migraines and headaches.
Protective and regenerative neroli oil stimulates cell regeneration, so it is recommended both as a healing agent and as a component of a tonic to relax the muscles and moisturize dry skin of the face. Against the headache Place a drop of essential oil of neroli in the palm of your hand, then inhale the aroma, you will get an analgesic effect on headaches. 

For a good nights sleep pour a few drops of essence of neroli oil on a pillow aroma of orange blossom and dried rose. To relax your mind neroli oil it is used as an antidepressant and anxiolytic.
For premenstrual syndrome neroli oil is therapeutic even in premenstrual syndrome. A week before menstruation to do a bath every night by pouring in water 7 drops of neroli oil and 3 tablespoons of honey. A neroli oil bath is recommended to moisturize the skin. 

External use

• Due to its regenerative properties of neroli oil is an excellent healing, add 8 drops to 50 ml of base cream, to be applied every day for about one month, on areas damaged ..
• Regular use of neroli oil can reduce broken capillaries. Mix 5 drops of neroli oil to 30 ml of base cream and massage daily fat damaged areas.

Internal Use

• To relieve the states of tension take 1 drop neroli oil diluted in a glass of warm water which was dissolved in 1 teaspoon of honey.
• To reduce palpitations and improve the states of circulatory failure, take 1 drop neroli oil on a sugar cube to dissolve slowly in your mouth.


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