Feb 14, 2011


DMAE is an acronym that stands for a substance also known as Dimethylaminoethanol Dimethylethanolamina, can regulate many basic cellular processes (proliferation, differentiation, etc). With regard to its use in cosmetology, a study lasted 16 weeks and published in a magazine of Dermatology (American Journal of Clinical Dermatology) has demonstrated the efficacy and tolerability after daily application to face in the form of gel 3% .

The gel was effective on wrinkles is common (such as those of the forehead and periocular) that the nasolabial folds, the sagging and the compactness of the skin of the neck has also improved the shape and firmness of the lips and a total age demonstrated by the skin. In this study, the hardening effect was confirmed by a quantitative measure of skin tension and is not regressed during the two weeks of termination of the application. The application of DMAE gel have been shown to be well tolerated: in fact there were no differences in the incidence of rashes, redness, etc ... between those who used the DMAE and who is not used. A year-long extension of the study showed that the application of DMAE is also safe in the long run.
The mechanism of action behind these effects is not known if they are made assumptions about a possible anti-inflammatory effect or an improvement in the tone of the facial muscles. DMAE has not yet been compared with other substances used for the same purpose. As these results were obtained with a 3% gel, these findings may apply only to products which have at least this concentration and should therefore know the concentration of DMAE in the product to be evaluated. 

We contacted the company Roc to get information on the concentration of DMAE products in the line Protient Fortify, but since the formulation of a patented DMAE has not been possible to obtain this information, although the company claims that the products can be safely compared Protient Fortify high-cost products. The products of the line Protient Fortify went to exhaustion and were replaced by products of the line that contains THPE Complete Lift (Tetraidrosipropilethylendiammina) which is the same family of DMAE Roc but that the company claims to be 4 times more effective. The cream contains the highest concentration of THPE is Complete Lift Night.

1. Rejuvenex. Rejuvenex, an anti-aging with dmae. You use this cream at night during sleep, anti-aging. In addition to amd, with ingredients such as glycolic acid, aloe vera and ginseng extract. 25 contains the most powerful means to regenerate the skin on the market today. 

2. Neuropeptide facial conformer. Neuropeptide facial conformer of dr. Perricone also contains dmae. It is like a revolutionary anti-aging product that will radically change presents the appearance of the skin. Amd on this product improves skin elasticity. Neuropeptide facial conformation contains phospholipids that protect the skin.
3. Citrus facelift. Dr. Perricone citrus facial wash contains dmae. While the face is not until the ingredients are washed into the skin as a skin cream, anti-aging benefits may continue. Citrus facial wash removes makeup and tightens the skin simultaneously. Together with amd, contains vitamin c, the clarity improved.


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